


sinθ+sinφ=2sin (θ+φ)/2 cos (θ-φ)/2,

sinθ-sinφ=2cos (θ+φ)/2 sin (θ-φ)/2,

cosθ+cosφ=2cos (θ+φ)/2 cos (θ-φ)/2,

cosθ-cosφ=-2sin (θ+φ)/2 sin (θ-φ)/2.


由正弦定理和已知条件a+c=2b得sin⁡A+sin⁡C=2sin⁡B.由和差化积公式得2·sin(A+C)/2 cos(A-C)/2=2sin⁡B.由A+B+C=π得sin(A+C)/2=cosB/2,又A-C=π/3得/2·...



设自 A 地量得敌人炮台所在地 B 及另一地 C 间之角 ∠ABC 为 70°20',自C 地量得 ∠ACB 为 62°50',且量得 AC 两地之距离为 10.6 公里问 A 地至敌人炮台之距离为若干?(sin62°50'= 0.8897;cos70°20' =0.3365)

在平地上一点 A,测得某山顶 P 之仰角 (elevation) 为 60°,自 A 点,在平地上,向山麓前进 800 尺至 B 点.自 B 点沿一与平地倾斜 30°之斜坡,再向山顶前进 800 尺,至 C 点,在 C 点测得山顶 P之仰角为 75°.若 A,B,C,P四点在一垂直平面内,求此山之高.

于 A,B,C 三阵地测得敌机之仰角为 60°,45°,45°,今 B 地在 A 地正北 3000尺,C 地在 A 地之正西 4000 尺,求敌机之高,并讨论之.

A tower of 20.7 feet high stands at the edge of the water on a bank of a river. From a point directly opposite to the tower on the other side of the river above the water, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 27°17' and the angle of depression of the image of its top in the water is 38°12'. Find the width of the river.

Two towers, A and B, on the shore of a lake can be observed from only one point C on the opposite shore. The lines joining the bases of two towers subtend anangle of 63°42' at C. The heights of the towers are 132 feet and 89 feet, and the angle of elevation of the tops as seen from C are 8°13' and 7°21' respectively.Find the distance AB.

某人在高处望见正东海面上一船首,其俯角为 30°,当船向正南行 a 里后,求得船首俯角为 15°,问此人之视点高出海面若干?


已知三角形三边之长为 14 尺,16 尺,18 尺,求其三中线长.

当△ABC 中A为钟角时,余弦定律为 a² =b² +c² +2bccosA.
